Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What Momentum Looks Like

"And Mr. Happy's Best of Show Award for the Paseo Arts Festival goes to..."

As the whole universe knows by now, my theme for the year is Momentum - May it continue, and continue to increase. I've tried since December to describe what that means to me and discuss how it is unfolding in my life.

Now I walk into just another booth at the Paseo Arts Festival, and there it is, captured in clay, ready for me to buy, take home and hang on my wall. Perfect! One of the great things about art is that it can encapsulate months or years worth of thought in a single image.

There's not much point in discussing the image. After all, the image is not the thing. The thing is what I've already been discussing. The image is the representation of the thing.

So without further discussion, I give you what momentum looks like - "Rising Up Within You" by none other than Mr. Happy's 2011 Best Of Show Artist, Sean Corner. Check out his website. His work is really fantastic, and he seems like a great guy too - but probably straight.

Concerning the thing, not the image, I just want to say that I'm so ready. I feel just like the angel breaking out of and through the dust and haze of life as a beautiful, powerful, real and solid being, created by God through life and by faith and grace, for a purpose to be determined, limited only by the boundaries of imagination and inspiration.

And as I say, "I'm so ready", I also know that the process started long ago. The image and the thing is not something that will happen or even is happening. It's something that 'will have been' happening since before I ever existed.

So, thanks to Sean for capturing and encapsulating the process. And for those who are going through a similar experience in life of breaking out from life to Life, embrace the process without fear or hesitation.

And to those who deny the process and the experience altogether, wake up! It's OK to be wrong if being wrong helps you understand and embrace being right. You don't know your potential or destiny any more than I know mine. But I know I have potential and a destiny that is good. Reach outside of yourself and seek yours. You will not be disappointed.