Sunday, June 26, 2011

PRIDE Sunday

"What does it mean to be proud anyway?"

If I were asked why I am proud to be an American, I could answer that question. The answer would involve an affirmation of what our country stands for; the ideals and posits that the US Constitution embraces and mandates. My answer would also involve our history and contribution to the world even despite some pretty dirty underwear at times. My answer would include a discussion of the opportunities we provide for our people. The American dream of being able to succeed regardless of one's family, heritage, race or religious affiliation is very real. With hard work, ambition and intelligence, any of us can make a better life for ourselves and our families. The American Spirit is tangibly unique, alive and effective. It was 200+ years ago, and it is today. I'm proud of it, and I'm proud to be an American.

If I were asked why I am proud to be a Christian, my answer would be even more enthusiastic. Christianity is about the concept and mechanics of transforming me from deep inside, in the very essence of my being, into the image and substance of a perfect God who loves all with perfect love. And it is about radiating that transforming power out into every aspect of life as the sun radiates light, heat and life. Christianity is about an intentional, sometimes sacrificial, decision and pursuit of the Creator and Father of everything, and about entering into and growing in a relationship to that Father as sons and daughters, with all of the privileges and responsibilities thereof. Christianity is about knowing that which is universally good, pure, right and true not the way I know my multiplication tables or know how to drive around Oklahoma City, but the way a wife knows her husband. I am proud to be a Christian, and proud of the impact Christ has had on my life and the things with which I have to do.

I'm proud of my family and those who I call my friends. I'm proud of who they are and what they stand for in life, and am proud and honored to be associated with them. I'm proud of my own accomplishments in life, who I am and what I stand for.

I am proud of the wonderful pot of coffee I made this morning and am enjoying as I type. You should be so fortunate as to experience the pleasure and satisfaction it brings me at this moment. I'm proud of my house (when it's clean) and the art on my walls, the books in my library and the atmosphere in my house. I'm proud of the flowers growing in the back yard, and my nephew who is asleep in the next room, and the Chinese student who slept in that room a few years ago and is now a senior in college, set to graduate in May.

But, despite today being PRIDE Sunday, I do not know how to apply any of this to the gay world. Does anybody else?