Friday, June 17, 2011

Ba-Da-Bing, Ba-Da-Boom

"Events of the week have left me no choice...But I'm blaming the existence of ATMs."

At least Wiener's wife should have access to a good mentor in her boss. She's been there and back on several occasions, eh?

When are these lowly congressmen going to learn that you have to be President to get away with a sex scandal?


Looks like Gingrich learned his lesson, now he wants to be President. Just what we need, another drunk republican in the White House.

Please please, just once can someone run for President that I don't mind voting for?


I'm kind of impressed with the riots in Vancouver. I didn't think Canadians gave a damn about anything.

Being from Oklahoma, I've met UT fans so I know about sore losers. But Geeez!


You'd think Hugh Hefner of all people would know better than to pick one of the three living blondes with a lick of sense.

"Run Chrystal, Run"


That's what I'm talkin' about.