Friday, August 31, 2012


"Music consists of notes, chords, scales and rhythm."

I have always thought that the Universe resembles music more than any other model. Music is made up of notes. But a note in itself is not the important thing. The way notes connect through scales, chords, rhythm, melody, counter melody, etc -- in other words the way notes are related -- is what makes music.

Life is about connections, relationships, stories unfolding and developing and mixing together. It's this way in nature, in humanity and in every facet of philosophy, religion and thought. This concept drives Science crazy, but oh well.

So, along the lines of connections, I'm going back to Zambia this fall. I'm going with a team to drill a water well and teach some Zambians how to use the equipment to drill more after we're gone. With all of the differences between Oklahoma and rural Zambia, one thing that is the same is the need for clean, potable water. But there, kids get eaten occasionally by alligators as they draw dirty water from a river for their families. I am passionate about fixing that.

So connect the dot to a relatively new acquaintance who I see every Wednesday as we take food to homeless people here in Oklahoma City. He has spent time in Kenya, and works with food, education and orphanage programs there - just like what we're trying to build in Zambia. I invited him to go with us. He said, "Yes".

So, since we're going to be over there anyway, we're going to take a couple of extra days and go see his people in Kenya too.

I wonder how many more dots will connect before this is all said and done? Talk about excited!

Let the music continue, and continue to increase!