Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Angles? What a Stinkhole!

"Please pardon me while I bitch for a moment."

Those of you who follow(ed) my blog (when I was doing it regularly) know that on Wednesdays, I get together with several humanitarian groups and take food from the Oklahoma Food Bank out to some of the homeless camps around town.

About six weeks ago, we added a stop to one of the routes smack in the middle of the Notorious Oklahoma City Gay Ghetto, right in the parking lot of the biggest shithole down there, aka Angles Club.

Once upon a time, the club was a pretty OK place to go. I remember spending New Year's Eve there in 2001-2002. I had a great time.

The place has deteriorated significantly since then. They can't even manage to stay open at all except for special events. Nobody goes there. It's pretty bad when someplace is too skanky for the skanky part of town it is in.

Anyway, we're there giving out boxes of food to people who are having a hard time in life (and probably need to make better decisions, and probably whatever...) Nonetheless, we're just giving away food. Everyone deserves a bridge to tomorrow, no matter what their past is like.

The last time we were there, I met a kid named Robert who probably isn't as old as my #3 of Six Nephew. He is in the final stages of HIV/AIDS. That kid lives in hell. There's no way he has lived long enough to screw up bad enough to deserve the hell he's walking through right now. It really hurt me to see him. He hasn't even had a chance to live yet, and he's dying - right now - a horrible death. Is it that bad of a thing that we gave him some food to eat? The rest of the world gave up on him long ago. If someone has to walk through hell, do they really have to do it alone? Really?

So today, we're back. And the kid in the previous paragraph didn't show up. But the super efficient (super fat, super belligerent, super stupid, super loudmouth, super bitch) security guard from Angles did. She tells us we have to leave. The guys I'm with try to explain that we have permission to be there, who we got permission from, when, etc, etc. She isn't buying it. She starts calling the Food Bank to complain about us (like what we're doing is so terrible) and goes off on the guy driving the truck. Amazing that those people at Angles are so proud of something so rank and worthless.

What a pig she is, and what a shithole Angles is.

I'm never going in there again - not even to pee!

For the record, we treat the people coming to get free food with far more dignity, respect and courtesy than the staff (and by association, the management and ownership) of Angles treated us. In case you can't tell, I resent the hell out of it.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

47 (48), 48 (48), 49 (48?)

"It's My Birthday, Let's Eat!"

When I turned 47, I thought it was my 48th Birthday. So I got two 48th Birthdays because by the time I turned 48 I figured out my mistake. So...can I stay 48 one more year and skip 49? But then I'd have to go from 48 to 50 all at once.

Hell...I guess I better be 49 and quit playing Birthday games.

But for my birthday, everyone wanted to go out to eat. Here I am wanting to move more and eat less, and everyone else thinks we should eat a lot. A recap of Birthday Food:

Thursday, Chicken Stroganoff from Cafe Brasil and a Heath Bar candy apple. From the Arts Festival in Downtown OKC, followed my Nachos at the Redhawks game (on dollar beer night, no less) with my two oldest nephews. I was late to work Friday.

Friday, Cattleman's Steak House. I had a rib-eye, house salad with house dressing, baked potato with everything, some lamb fries (yuck!), two glasses of wine and coconut cream pie. Then we went to the Lobby Bar on Western and drank more beer. The bartender wouldn't give us a tab since it was my birthday. My friend insisted on buying. And for the very first time ever in my whole life, I had two guys fighting over who was paying for my booze. Man, I should drink more!

Saturday, back to the Arts Festival and a variety of food. It was great, but won't sound good all listed together. I also bought two new pics for my living room walls from David Mayhew Photography. With a theme of 'Rainbows and Road Trips', I bet you can look through the web site and find the two I bought.  Oh never mind, Here's One. Here's the Other. "Happy Birthday to Me..."

Sunday my brother cooked Chicken Enchiladas with all the trimmings. I ate until I couldn't hardly breathe. And drank some more beer. Gawd!

Monday, Calamari with bread and Sangria to drink followed by Chicken Alfredo and summore Sangria. Then to the second game of the first round of NBA Playoffs and my first ever OKC Thunder basketball game (and more beer). Footnote: I think I may be the last person in the whole state to actually go to a Thunder game. Wow.

Anyway, there you have it. My 49th Birthday 'Eat Everything In Sight' Weekend. I may be hungry again in time for the big 50!