Sunday, July 28, 2013

Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream?

"I've read several books lately that I don't like."

I really don't want my blog to be a book review, and I've only commented on a couple of books I've read in the past three years. But I've had a run of books lately that I really don't like. The latest is a book by David Platt called, "Radical: Taking Your Faith Back From The American Dream." The book is well written, and there's a hint of something valuable and obvious in it. As Americans, we need to realize that Christ is Lord of the whole world, not just our little self-centered, greedy, all consuming part of it.

But the book goes to far in demonizing the American perspective. The author seems to want us to feel guilty because we're not spending our last dollar and ounce of energy taking the gospel to the ends of the earth, because we spend more time making money than we spend giving it away, because we have so much in a world that has so little, etc. Evidently, we're supposed to put down our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness in order to make the world a little less miserable.

I am reminded of the Zambian pastor/farmer that we support, who is building a farm to support an orphanage and ministry. He pretty much despises American thinking, but tolerates it, of course, because we give him money. I love they guy, and his heart is right on. He spends every bit of his energy trying to spread the love of God both conceptually and physically to a world that needs basically everything.

But when he gets on his, "Americans are screwed up" bandwagon, I always end up thinking, "Yeah, but the things you say we're wrong about are the specific things that enable us to come over here and help you."

I get America's problems. Debt, greed, self saturation, etc. But as a nation, we also have a heart to help, to love, to equip and teach and to help the rest of the world rise up and be all that they can be. Why despise us (or why should we despise ourselves) for wanting our lives, our nation, and the whole world to be more successful, to have more and to do more?

I look at it this way:

God created the earth. Built in to that creation are whole systems of ocean currents, weather patterns, natural resources and ecosystems that - despite no little abuse of man - are able to continue to produce fresh air, clean water and food to feed the whole world. Yes, there are environmental issues. But creation still produces in abundance.

God created America. Built in to that creation is a belief that all are created equally and have certain inalienable rights, a belief that ingenuity and forward thinking risk taking is rewarded richly. And the good things that America has brought to the whole world are really good.

From an American perspective, the whole world should have food to eat and water to drink, a nice house to live in and a quality education system for their kids, a 7-11 on every corner and a gym on every block, a career that they can invest themselves in and a retirement plan for when they get done working. It's not like America strives to have these things at the expense of the rest of the world. We think everyone should have them. What's so wrong with that?

Monday, July 22, 2013

Getting There

"I just realized it's been more than a month..."

My focus this year is on Wellness and Strength. And I haven't forgotten about it for a minute.

But I realized today that it has been a whole month since I said anything about it. Fear Not, All Is Well.

It's been a little slow going since my trainer left to go play baseball. I confess that I haven't spent as much time at the gym as I need to, and the time I do spend there is not as productive. I don't really like the gym anyway. I don't belong there, and often feel like a gay boy in a Baptist church. I don't really know what to do or how to act. But I am doing the same stuff that I was doing with the trainer - 'cept the hard stuff. It's so easy to talk myself out of that.

Anyway, I'm still going, and still losing fat.

And, life has been extraordinarily busy lately, which is why I haven't had much to say on my blog in general. I'm never busy, but now I am always busy. I'm usually pretty good at slowing life down when it gets this way, but I'm unable to figure out how to do so just now. I'm working on it.

But the good news is that I've now lost 20 lbs. Wow. Within a couple of weeks, I expect to drop below 200! I'm not sure how to act when I feel proud of myself for something I've accomplished physically. I think this may be the first time in my whole life that I'm going to get to feel that way. Kinda weird.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. More to come soon, I promise.

(And kudos if you noticed before now that the July calendar is from 2003. That's not an accident. I'm just that far behind at the moment.)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

OK, I've Had It!

"I have a blog and an opinion. The two are destined to meet."

First, I'm soooo sorry for writing this post. I thoroughly intended to let this whole episode pass without comment. The two people involved in this incident are both belligerent idiots with chips on their shoulders, and I have no sympathy for either, or interest in the case at all. Anytime two belligerent idiots meet and one or both has a gun, there are going to be problems, aren't there?

Having said that, I've been watching Facebook and social media, as well as the news media, get all worked up about the case. People are trying to make racial issues out of it or using it as a platform to support open carry laws and "Stand Your Ground" laws, etc.

I call "Bullshit"!

In my oversimplified opinion, here are the undisputable, clearly documented facts:
  • Zimmerman picked a fight.
  • He shot the guy he picked the fight with.
  • He claims self defense.
How could any sane, reasonably intelligent person think that those facts add up?

The rest of the saga is TBU information (True But Useless). What difference does either person's skin color make? What difference do Zimmerman's or Martin's background make? What does this have to do with race, gun control, etc?

Is Zimmerman guilty of Murder 2 or something else? I dunno. That's what the trial should have been about. The shooting may have been justified - but not under the 'self defense' umbrella. You can't pick a fight and claim self defense.

The rest - and there is so much of it I 'm going crazy - is just noise.

There. It's out of my system. I feel much better. Sorry again.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

San Francisco

"I'm not leaving my heart there..."

But I am going. A friend of mine already has a hotel room at the Union Square Hilton, and I'm crowding in. It should be a great trip. He'll be busy doing stuff for his job, and I'll be exploring and taking it all in.

I'll be going the first part of August, and I'll only be there five days. Just looking around the internet, I've already found about three weeks worth of stuff I wanna do and see. Golden Gate Park, Fisherman's Wharf, the City Tour, a Giants/Orioles game Friday night, the big fish tank, Chinatown, little Italy, Alcatraz maybe? Wow. I'm tired already.

I spent many years travelling around the country installing software and training medical offices. But our business was almost always rural. I only made it to Chicago once, got as close as Newark to the Big Apple, never touched Boston, Seattle or LA. I did make it to Atlanta, Houston, Philly, Denver, San Diego and, of course, Missoula, Montana. But I've never spent any time at all in San Francisco. I know only its reputation.

I think there won't be time to go see the Redlands (which I have seen before and really love) or do the wine country tour. If it weren't for all of the crazy people out there, I could love living in California. But I can take them for a few days, I'm sure.

So, if anyone has anything to add to the must see list, especially some off the beaten path restaurant or super eclectic bar in the area, feel free to let me know.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

I've lived This More Than A Few Times

"All American Boy by Steve Grand."

Give him some love (yeah, money) if you like it...Steve Grand's Bandcamp Page