Monday, July 22, 2013

Getting There

"I just realized it's been more than a month..."

My focus this year is on Wellness and Strength. And I haven't forgotten about it for a minute.

But I realized today that it has been a whole month since I said anything about it. Fear Not, All Is Well.

It's been a little slow going since my trainer left to go play baseball. I confess that I haven't spent as much time at the gym as I need to, and the time I do spend there is not as productive. I don't really like the gym anyway. I don't belong there, and often feel like a gay boy in a Baptist church. I don't really know what to do or how to act. But I am doing the same stuff that I was doing with the trainer - 'cept the hard stuff. It's so easy to talk myself out of that.

Anyway, I'm still going, and still losing fat.

And, life has been extraordinarily busy lately, which is why I haven't had much to say on my blog in general. I'm never busy, but now I am always busy. I'm usually pretty good at slowing life down when it gets this way, but I'm unable to figure out how to do so just now. I'm working on it.

But the good news is that I've now lost 20 lbs. Wow. Within a couple of weeks, I expect to drop below 200! I'm not sure how to act when I feel proud of myself for something I've accomplished physically. I think this may be the first time in my whole life that I'm going to get to feel that way. Kinda weird.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. More to come soon, I promise.

(And kudos if you noticed before now that the July calendar is from 2003. That's not an accident. I'm just that far behind at the moment.)