Thursday, July 18, 2013

OK, I've Had It!

"I have a blog and an opinion. The two are destined to meet."

First, I'm soooo sorry for writing this post. I thoroughly intended to let this whole episode pass without comment. The two people involved in this incident are both belligerent idiots with chips on their shoulders, and I have no sympathy for either, or interest in the case at all. Anytime two belligerent idiots meet and one or both has a gun, there are going to be problems, aren't there?

Having said that, I've been watching Facebook and social media, as well as the news media, get all worked up about the case. People are trying to make racial issues out of it or using it as a platform to support open carry laws and "Stand Your Ground" laws, etc.

I call "Bullshit"!

In my oversimplified opinion, here are the undisputable, clearly documented facts:
  • Zimmerman picked a fight.
  • He shot the guy he picked the fight with.
  • He claims self defense.
How could any sane, reasonably intelligent person think that those facts add up?

The rest of the saga is TBU information (True But Useless). What difference does either person's skin color make? What difference do Zimmerman's or Martin's background make? What does this have to do with race, gun control, etc?

Is Zimmerman guilty of Murder 2 or something else? I dunno. That's what the trial should have been about. The shooting may have been justified - but not under the 'self defense' umbrella. You can't pick a fight and claim self defense.

The rest - and there is so much of it I 'm going crazy - is just noise.

There. It's out of my system. I feel much better. Sorry again.