Saturday, June 11, 2011

Friday Night Focus

"Introducing my next ongoing challenge in life: Friday Nights."

In a world where people live for Friday, I hate Friday nights especially after a really supercharged, almost manic, very busy and productive week. All week long, I have people waiting in line for me to pay attention to whatever they think is important. But around 3:00, everybody else's focus changes to Friday night and the weekend.

"What are you up to this weekend?", everybody asks everybody else. Some people you don't even have to ask. "I'm gonna get boozed up and party like it's 1989". "Going to the lake with the kids." "Company's coming in tonight for the weekend." Now and then I get to hear someone's whole agenda for the weekend. Every ten minute slot is full of something.

So it's 5:00 Friday, and the rest of the world joins together in joyful celebration of the end of yet another work week. Plans are made, enthusiasm has peaked, the inaudible bell has sounded and the world changes color. Issues and agendas that were massively important just three or four hours ago have been totally forgotten. It's Friday Night in the Big Town, and everybody on the planet except me is off to some great adventure.

And I become invisible and irrelevant until Monday morning. It's been this way for as long as I can remember. Saturdays aren't so bad. I have a lot to do on Saturday too, and by Saturday night, I'm usually tired.

But for me, Friday Night Let Down is the most unpleasant time of the week. Most Friday nights, I feel the way that normal, well adjusted, not crazy people feel on Monday morning. And the better the week, the worse it is on Friday night.

I've been fighting this for years, this year in particular. I earnestly look for something to look forward to on Friday night, and if I can't come up with anything, I make myself go down to the gay ghetto and hang out for a couple hours as punishment for my failure. (I've only had to do that three times since January).

But whatever I'm doing isn't working all that well. Last night, after about the best work week I've had in several years, I had planned to go eat Sushi with a friend. That got cancelled and then the rain came.  Ugh.