Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Momentum Mellow!

"April Showers Bring May Showers?"

I don't think it rained twice in April. I don't think it rained a quarter of an inch the whole month. Now May is here and it's been raining all day. No complaints here, really. We need the rain and it smells good! And Oh! the nap I'm about to take! The whole world should be as fortunate as me today!

But the break is only temporary. Momentum is my buzzword this year. "May the momentum continue and continue to increase." The last few days of April were relatively stress free. A great weekend in Houston, a free birthday and a really fun trip to the Arts Festival provided a very necessary time of rest and relaxation. And my known agenda for May doesn't look to be too intimidating. Could it be that things are going to slow down a little in May?

What the hell am I thinking? We're in the middle of trying to buy two airplanes at work, considering adding yet another new employee, selling aircraft parts like they're Thunder tickets and the year's pace continues. What's this about Mellow May?

But I'm ready. I've had a few days to rejuvenate and recharge, and I'm ready for whatever comes.

My only concern is that if March and April were so crazy and there was no rain, what happens when the rain comes? Is life going to get even crazier? Will the rain stimulate the same kind of growth explosion in life overall that I anticipate it will do in the flowers I planted last month?

In a way, I really hope so. As I've said many times, this has been a great year. I want more. Part of me says, "Bring it on!" But in another way, the past 10 days or so have been really fun. I've enjoyed slowing down the pace just a little and enjoying the ride.

So we'll see. Either way, I'm excited. I am in a mode of life where I wake up every day pumped and ready to see what's in store. So far, it's good and getting better. My desire, prayer and choice is that momentum would continue to grow, and soon will break wide open like May flowers after April showers.

Life is Good!