Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Look Good to Feel Good

"Sometimes looking good is the first step to feeling good."

I think I haven't felt very good the past few days. I mean physically, not emotionally or mentally. I don't spend very much time sick in life. It just doesn't happen that often. But for the past couple or few days, I haven't felt worth a crap.

Nothing is specifically wrong. I don't really hurt or have a fever or symptoms of cough due to cold or anything. I'm not especially tired or drained. I just don't feel like I usually do. So whachagonnado?

I learned a concept way back in college that looking good makes one feel good too. It increases focus, enhances memory, creates a sense of awareness, helps facilitate things like smiling and laughing and overall promotes a feeling of well being not only for oneself, but also for those around her.

OK. I'm game.

I came to work today an hour early, dressed in a shirt with a collar. My belt matches my shoes and everything. Trust me, at my work business casual is three steps above normal. I looked good enough that everyone in the office picked shit with me over it. And everyone laughed or smiled when they did it too.

Not sure yet whether I feel better, but everyone else does so that's something.

Tomorrow I may wear a button down shirt and tie.