Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th

"Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Floods and Blogspot Service Interruptions."

Wow, the world is really falling apart. I couldn't get to my blog for a whole day! Oh, the drama!

I guess for the folks at, Friday the 13th came a day early. Evidently this means I have reconstruct my Thursday post about the space between Yes and No. Since it's about the only intelligent post I've had time to put into words for the past few days, I guess I better get 'er done.

Other than that, Friday the 13th was just another beautiful day. I was thinking earlier today that I didn't have anything to blame Friday the 13th for. Hmmm. It's just another in a long string of busy, productive, profitable and enjoyable days (except for the Walgreen's experience, but that one is easy to prevent from now on).

So, to all of you people who are getting ready to go out tonight and wash away your terrible week with excessive amounts of alcohol, I wish you safety and success. And I'm glad I don't need to do that. I may go out and watch for a while though. Maybe I can find some who are celebrating a really good week and join them.