Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Beans and Cornbread

"Today, the good things in life come together."

Some days are just crappy. It's a challenge to look at these days differently so they don't seem so bad. There are a lot of tactics that work well, and I am well versed in many of them.

Finding something to be thankful for is one of them. There's always some angle to appreciate. Knowing that my bad day facilitated someone else's good day is cool too. They may have needed a good day. The attitude that my bad day is an investment always helps. Because of my day, be it good or bad, some children in Zambia did not go to sleep hungry.

There is always a way to look at things that make bad days better.

And then there are days like today. It rained here. The whole state got a much needed, much appreciated, really good rain - the likes of which we haven't seen since last July.

And Mom cooked beans and cornbread with fried potatoes for dinner - and fudge brownies for desert.

And the Thunder wasn't limited to the weather tonight as our NBA team took game five in the playoffs against Memphis.

So probably the very best tactic to defeat the inevitable crappy days that happen from time to time is to remember really good days like today, when everything that happens is good.

You gotta love days like today.