Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Sr Bobo Loco"

"And I thought Easter Bunnies were a myth."

Man, I had a good time in Houston. I got there Friday night and went out with my friends to a really neat club called J.R.'s. I've been there before, but forgot how much I enjoyed it. We stayed out and talked until the place closed down. It was really nice to go someplace and have a few drinks and good talk with good friends.

Saturday we went shopping. I'm a shoe whore anyway, so you know I brought back some new skis - and a suitcase full of new clothes. Then off to dinner and the Ricky Martin concert, which was a total surprise to me. I had no idea it was on the weekend's agenda. It was a great concert. I think I'll read his autobiography. The music was good, they story was a  little better and the concert effects, (light show, etc) were fantastic. What a great surprise! I don't think I've ever seen so many great looking Latino boyz gathered in one place ever. I think I want one!

After the concert, we went to a martini bar called Meteor, drank appletinis and watched the dick dancers take showers together on stage. That was about interesting. After that, we went to a new upscale gay club called the F bar. It's only been open for a month, so everyone is still checking it out. It was cool, but not really the top of my list. The bar was adjacent to the dance floor, which made it about impossible to get a drink. But the evening was a blast.

Sunday, we attended Bunnies on the Bayou, a charity event benefiting a huge number of social organization is the GLBT Community in Houston. There were 3,000 guys there of every age, type, race and level of bashfulness (or not). This event is the largest outdoor cocktail party in Texas. The weather was great, the guys were great and the atmosphere was unbelievable. I noticed that most people weren't there to get drunk or laid. Mostly people seemed to be there to say Hi to friends, support the charity and be a community. It was a really great experience.

And Ohhhh, the Bunnies! They were everywhere. The place was crawling with cute guys with fluffy round tails and other nice assets. But overall, the experience made me want that which I cannot have. I'll write more about that tomorrow or so.

An interesting side note: There is a certain dancer from OKC that I met at the Park recently, who just happened to be working at J.R.'s Friday night. I said hello, and we did the 'small world' talk. Lo and behold, he was working at Meteor Saturday night. Sunday at Bunnies, I told him I thought he was stalking me. He said, "Shhhhh. Don't Tell."

The kid was really high Sunday at Bunnies. The next time I see him in OKC, I'm going to ask him whether he has anyone in his life who cares about him enough to object to his 'no boundaries' lifestyle and drug use. I hope he does. I'm not excited to play that role for him, but everyone deserves to have someone that does.

And, through my friend's boyfriend, I now know the Spanish version of "Mr. Happy". It is "Sr Bobo Loco" If Andrew would hurry and email the picture he took of me at Bunnies, I'd post it here and you would all know what Sr Bobo Loco looks like.