Saturday, April 23, 2011

Buried With Christ in Baptism

"Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. "

In order to understand the meaning, or the Goodness, behind Good Friday, the Crucifixion of Christ and the sacrifice He made, we need a better understanding of sin. Christ came to "destroy the works of the devil." He came to "take away the sins of the world." To borrow a line from Oswald Chambers, either Christ completed His purpose and accomplished the work that God gave Him to do, or He did not. As Christians, we believe that He did.

So what does that do to the concept of sin?

It eliminates 'sin' and all of the negative implications caused by sin from the discussion, once and for all and period. Sin is no longer a factor or a consideration in the context of our relationship with God. Christ, through His own blood and sacrifice, took away the power of sin and the guilt, condemnation, consequences (at least on a spiritual level...we still live in a cause/effect world), shame, filth and impact of it completely and finally, once and for all, forever. End of the sin story. No need to discuss the subject again. Ever. At all. 

Sin does not have the power to separate us from God, nor can it disqualify us from enjoying the benefits of a father-son relationship with the Father of Everything.

Churches don't particularly like this perspective because it also takes away the Church's ability to manipulate people through guilt and condemnation. It strips Church of the power to brow beat people into submission and make them behave in whatever way the Church sees as appropriate. It takes away the control factor that has been used for centuries to promote and implement agendas that have nothing whatsoever to do with godliness, righteousness or worship. In this context, screw the Church! That's not what Church is about anyway!

Because Christ died for the sin of the world, we have been given a new paradigm, a new concept, a new standard by which our relationship to God is established and maintained. The bible calls this a new covenant. A covenant based on faith in what Christ did on good Friday and emerged from triumphantly on Easter Sunday. A covenant that is no longer based on my behaviour, performance, compliance or submission to a written code of rules and rituals.

As to behaviour, once we get our minds and hearts around what Christ did, it will take care of itself. Inside of us will grow a desire and a passion to participate in whatever Christ is doing, and honor Him in the doing of it. Our minds are transformed and our hearts are recreated, and the desires of our hearts will change. This change does not come from wearing a mask of religious conformance. It comes from being a different person, from down inside where choices really matter. It comes from a process of which Christ is the Author and Finisher.

Our sin, our failure, our sickness and our inadequacies are crucified, dead and buried, as are our acts of eternal goodness. The mask that we wear is the very thing that Christ died to strip away. In His body and by His blood, that which was called sin is forever destroyed.