Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Houston It Is!

"Happy Birthday To Me, Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday, I Love You, Happy Birthday To Me."

It's official! I'm going to Houston for my free birthday this year! I'm excited.

The trip will feature a Sunday Afternoon event called Bunnies On The Bayou which is a charity event in Houston with a billizion guys running around outside on a beautiful day (hopefully). The hotter the weather, the hotter the guys cause shirts and long pants will go the way of the dinosaur in a hurry.

I've been twice before. The first time I went was in the early 2000's, and I hadn't told more than a handful of people I was gay. I accidentally turned in a brochure from the event as part of my expense report. That was interesting. The person who I had writing checks and filing such things never said a word. But later I found out that I gave her a pretty good shock. Hehe...she had it coming.

One of the featured performances I'm really looking forward to is the Flyboys Flag Troupe of Houston These guys are fantastic. At first I thought it was a little stupid, but after watching these guys, I was very impressed. Here's a taste:

I wish we had one of these in OKC.

The rest of the trip will be filled with shopping, hanging out with a friend and his friends, eating royally and such other activities and events as we can find time for. And God Knows, I need a Break.

Anybody got an extra sun tan I can borrow?

Is it Easter yet?