Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's The Simple Things, Stupid!

"Hot Coffee, a Clean Hot Tub and a Cigarette. Does Life Get Any Better?"

One of my assets (and therefore weaknesses) in life is that I can spend a whole lot of time in my head. I am not a shallow person. I don't even believe in shallowness. Everyone is deep, and it's from the deep parts of ourselves that our actions, decisions, aspirations, fears and dreams come from. when someone is called shallow, to me it just means that they pay no attention to the depth of their being, and have no idea where their motivation, hope and destiny comes from.

But yesterday, I worked my butt off outside in my yard. I changed the water in my hot tub, planted several plants, cleaned up the dead stuff from the winter, cleaned out mom's swimming pool and generally got spring going. It was a busy, productive, great day, and I'm just the right amount of sore this morning from my efforts.

This morning, sitting in my hot tub with my coffee and a smoke enjoying the result of my day yesterday and planning my day today, I started thinking about the deeper stuff. Before I knew it, I was off in thought about the car wreck last week, a friend of the family who is having trouble with depression (and rightfully so, in my opinion), etc.

Then I got just a scent of the gardenia I planted yesterday and woke up from my thinking. I realized how good I felt. I sat there for an hour, soaking in the hot water, and just enjoying being there. It is so cool to be able, in the midst of a world that has gone mad, to just sit there and enjoy life.

I was surprised that I was actually being drawn to the shallow things. Then I realized that enjoying the simplest things, being at peace with myself and the world around me and just drinking in the springtime is not shallow at all. It's probably the deepest thought I've had in months.

This is such a great year. Life is good.