Monday, October 31, 2011

October's Over

"Septober, Octember, Nowonder, Remember."

Looking back at October, both on my blog and in events in life overall, it seems to have been a very random month. My thoughts have wandered all over the place.

I started the month asking for another September or two, and basically got it. The streak of good weather we;ve enjoyed since exactly Labor Day weekend has continued. It's getting a little colder, but still beautiful. I hope everyone else has been enjoying it as much as I have been.

Hopefully November will prove to be a little more congruent. If October has a typical theme, it is Transition. November's theme is, of course, Thanksgiving. We all have much to be thankful for, and the ritual of doing that intentionally is healthy and beneficial.

November 22 is my one year anniversary of keeping my journal online, and opening it up for the whole internet to read. Of course, the whole internet doesn't read it. But I am amazed and a little humbled at how many people evidently do. My primary objective in doing this online is to keep myself motivated to journal consistently. I have really enjoyed doing this, and have especially enjoyed going back a few months and reading what I wrote then.

The one year mark will be an appropriate time to reevaluate the theme of my blog too. I'm either getting comfortable with the oxymoron or realizing that the paradigm is bogus. I'm going to be thinking about whether to continue the blog, start a new one with a different emphasis or quit doing it altogether. We'll see

As far as momentum (my theme for the year) is concerned, well, I dunno. Maybe this is another opportunity for congruence to replace randomness in the coming weeks. Life is moving along quickly enough. I'm busier than I want to be, and still not doing everything that needs to be done. I am content with momentum's velocity, but I sure wish I could find the steering wheel and make it take me where I want to go.

But I am ready to transition to thankfulness, then to the joy and hope of Christmas. I'm ready to build some fires in the fireplace and hear/play some Christmas music. I'm ready for the time change, and the family without work time of the coming season. Wherevever life goes from here, I'm ready for the trip.