Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Eat, Pray, Love, Ugh!

"I think I'm the only person I know that didn't like this movie."

I feel so ashamed and bad about myself. Everybody I know has been bugging me to see Eat, Pray, Love. Literally everybody I know loves the movie. I went to a friend's house for the OU - Texas game, and he loaned me his copy of the movie (which I left on his coffee table accidentally). I finally watched the whole thing last night.

What a beating! I was very careful to stay awake through the whole thing so I wouldn't miss anything and be forced to watch it again. If it hadn't been so late when the movie finally ended, I would have dialed up some Charles Bronson movie, or something equally manly.

The weird thing is that I should have loved it too. It's got lots of stuff that I should identify with...a spiritual quest, emotional drama, love and hurt and gurus and people who see with the heart, not just the eyes. The movie discusses concepts that I live for, and avidly seek in my own life. I love Julia Roberts. I should have loved the movie, and I didn't. I'm so bad.

I can't even put my finger on what I didn't like about it. As I sit here trying to think of things that I didn't like, all I can bring to mind are things that I did like - despite not liking the movie at all. I wouldn't feel so bad about myself if I could figure out why I didn't enjoy the damn movie, but the truth is I have no clue.

I would think more about why I didn't like the movie more than I did, except I didn't enjoy the movie enough to think about it that much. Now all of my friends are going to ask what I thought of the movie, and I'm going to say how cute Ian was or how beautiful Bali looks. Comments like that will get me safely out of the conversation, I hope.

For what it's worth, I really wanted to enjoy this movie. Does that count for anything?