Monday, October 24, 2011


"The Devil is in the details."

Well, here's a bunch of little, unrelated stuff.

Bob Stoops was asked what happened Saturday as Tech (who?) beat OU. His responded that when he told the team they would have to play a whole game this week because Tech wasn't going to lay down after the first quarter, they misunderstood and thought he said they had to play a Bowl game.

It looks like I'm going to Chicago for St. Patrick's day next March. I'm already excited. I've never really been to Chicago (except to change planes). I went there to train one client, but stayed busy enough working that I didn't get to look around much. I've been a lot of places on business, and it's fun to go back to some of these places as a tourist. I'm going with a friend who has spent a lot of time there, and will be a great tour guide. Is it March yet?

After that, we're talking about going to Costa Rica for a week or two. But who knows if that will happen. Chicago is officially a goal, but Costa Rica is only a dream. We'll see how that plays out over the next few months. I've always wanted to learn Spanish. Maybe the dream (whether it comes true or not) will motivate me to make some progress in that area.

I went to church this morning, and continue to be impressed with it. But after attending there for 18 months now, I still feel like an outsider. I can't tell you the first names of five other people there. I am really impressed by their outreach programs. The programs are neither evangelistic nor activist. They are community service programs aimed at just helping people wherever they are in life. The church runs an HIV/STD testing center, provides mental health counseling, delivers food to homeless communities each week, etc., etc. These things aren't aimed at getting people saved or promoting any homosexual agenda, the programs are just designed to make life a little easier and better for hundreds of people they touch on an ongoing basis. I don't know why I haven't gained any traction there. I very much respect who they are and what they're doing.

Evidently, my church is now on the radar of the Westboro Baptist Church of Terrorists in Kansas. They want our pastor to participate in some debate or something. Of course, it's not a real debate where a fair and open exchange of ideas will be allowed. I would debate any of them if I could see any good coming from it. But my first reaction would be to tell them to fuck off. Debates are a good format for presenting opposing views on a matter to undecided people so that they can make informed decisions. But debates by and for people who have already decided an issue are never productive.

The weather has been simply outstanding since Labor Day. It's supposed to get cold and crappy this week. It needs to, or else a bunch of weirdos from California will start moving here. This weekend in particular was beautiful.

The weather is great, I feel really good since I did some house cleaning a week or so ago, church is good, friendships are good, work is good, life is good. But I've sort of been down this weekend for some reason. I guess it's just been my time of the month. Anyway, that should be over for now and today I intend to get back to enjoying life.