Sunday, October 2, 2011

An Apology and Good News

"There's nothing better than the perspective of a good friend."

The good news is that my one good friend I've managed to develop this year is NOT moving out of state. Great for me. He seems OK with it too. We met for coffee this morning and talked for a while. Good Times.

It is my opinion, and that of all of my friends, that I reacted badly to Dave's comments last month. Cynicism is never the right response to anything, at least not the right first response. I know for me it is, and always has been, a defense mechanism. It is only appropriate to defend oneself in the presence of an actual threat. In this case, there was none, and the premise may even have been a compliment.

So Dave, please accept my apology for my cynical response to your adding my blog to your blogroll. It's obvious to me and others that I still care deeply about you. My cynicism was only trying to put distance between me and my residual feelings about you and the past.

A more carefully thought out response would have been a simple, "Thank You", and an expression of my very genuine and deep seated hope that you are able to overcome your own obstacles and find happiness, fulfillment and peace in life. I wish you well.