Monday, January 31, 2011

Momentum: "Ready Or Not, Here I Come"

"Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!"

News Flash: It's already February! Where'd January go anyway?

Momentum is my buzzword for 2011. I had a great 2010, and my hope at the beginning of 2011 was that the momentum of 2010 would continue, and continue to increase. So far I am not disappointed.

I thought about writing a post in the middle of January talking about the yearly lull in life I usually experience between January 2 and the first good thunderstorm of the season, usually around the middle of March. To me, this is the deadest, most boring time of the year. Normally, nothing really happens. I generally spend the time just waiting it out, knowing that Spring will be here soon.

I thought about writing that post, but never got around to it. I've just been too busy. And it's been a fun busy so far. Business is going well, family life is hectic and exciting and my God life is more energetic than it has been in years. I'm very excited and very pleased. If January is like this, April is going to be fantastic!

Even though Momentum has been on my mind since December, I'm not as prepared as I thought I would be for everything that's going on. At work, on my blog and in other areas, projects that are important to me, and that I am excited to finish, are being relegated to the 'back burner' just because the "A" list is full.

I can't decide if this is a good thing or not.

And I need some down time.

And Sir Winter answers tonight with what promises to be an incredible snow storm. (Anything over 2 inches down here qualifies as Snowpocalypse. The city will shut down for a few days until the snow goes away and everyone gets cabin fever.) I'm looking forward to the time.

And I'm looking forward to February - I don't think I've ever said that before, ever in my whole life.

Life Is Good!