Sunday, January 9, 2011

OK, Add This to The Creepy-Weird in a Good Way list...

"The Mind of Christ is One Mind."

On Friday, I posted the resolution to MIQ #1, which boils down to, "Call me whatever you want, good or bad. I will find my identity in the name that God gave me, which is 'Son'. Nobody on the planet, preacher or barfly, will devalue that name with condemnation or ridicule or anything else. And I will never question it again." (Scroll down just 2 days to Friday, January 7 to read that post.)

On Sunday, my pastor preached the very same message.

One of the most quoted verses of all time is, "All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purposes." I know I've quoted it, thought it, prayed it over various situations and used it as a safety net when things don't work out the way I think they should many, many times in my life.

Why, then, am I always surprised when things work together?

That's so weird it's creepy - in a good way!

The twist is that when I originally thought through the issue with names, it was partially responsible for my exodus from church. If the men of God up there proclaiming His word every week don't get this concept, why am I paying any attention to them anyway?

This week, Pastor Neill used it as a call into what God is doing through the church. A call to freedom in Christ, and through this freedom allowing Him to accomplish whatever He desires and has ordained (my paraphrase), because this is what worship is about!

So the same message, with the opposite impact.

That's so weird it's creepy - in a good way!

But to me, it documents that my thoughts on personal and universal momentum I've been thinking about for 2011 are genuine and legitimate. I am so ready to come out of my shell, stand up and get involved with life on earth again.

Talk about New Beginnings!!

This is going to be a Great Year!