Wednesday, December 29, 2010

WOW! I Can See My Desk In FOUR Places

The most amazing thing just happened. I was sitting here working my fingers to the bone, listening to Sammy Nestico music on Pandora, uploading inventory to the web services we advertise through, getting November's books to the accountant, and a hundred other things. Suddenly I looked up and realized I could actually see the top of my desk! I can't remember when was the last time that happened. That's exciting.

OK, it's not that exciting, and for those who don't identify with Sammy Nestico, I'm sorry for you.

But I'm supposed to be right in the middle of my annual exercise of putting this year to bed and getting my ducks in a row for next year. I'm finding that process very difficult to get started this year for some reason. I never have trouble doing this, but this year for some reason is harder.

Maybe it's because this has been such a good year to begin with. I hope next year the momentum just continues. Bring it on!

Maybe it's because three long term, problematic issues in my life have been resolved already this year. I don't really need to do anything else to them.

Maybe it's because I'm just busy. We're busy at work, buying, selling, doing what we do. And we're expanding our facilities so we can do more of it. Things are crazy busy, and I'm lovin' it.

Maybe it's because I have a blog now, and have an avenue to say what I think without worrying about whether someone else gives a damn. Thanks, David, at least for that.

Maybe I'm just getting old. Seems like I've been doing a whole lot of second guessing myself for the past 18 months or so. Second guessing how I've spent my professional life, who I've invested myself in, why I am where I am. I've felt like a 22 year old in a 47 year old body. Can anyone say 'mid life crisis?' Maybe I have been through that, and now it's almost over. I feel more like myself now than I have in recent months, and I've pretty well passed my second guessing tests. My life's not perfect, but I've done OK with the hand I've been dealt.

Overall, I am more at peace, happier, more fulfilled, more energetic, more thankful. more excited about the future and more enthusiastic than I have felt since, probably, 2002.

This feels good and I don't want to screw it up my thinking about it too much. (But I'm sure I will think about it too much anyway. It's just my nature. I wouldn't be me if I didn't.)

The one word I want to take into the new year is MOMENTUM. Continue and Continue to increase. Ready? Let's Go!