Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Turn on the Lights and Lighten Up!

"Take it in stride, and enjoy the ride."

It seems like my last few posts have been a little heavy or deep. Usually I am too heavy and deep. It's hard for me to be shallow. I'm not sure why, I'm just not a shallow person. I think it's too much work or something.

But just now, meaning for the past few months, I am in a relatively shallow season for a change. I don't feel heavy or deep. I feel light hearted and happy, and I want to enjoy some of the things in life that just taste good, that are just fun.

The math I've been throwing on my blog lately isn't new to me. I did the hard work on it years ago. Presenting it in this format is a little strange, but not heavy or challenging. Work is busy, I still have plumbing issues going on, there's not enough money to go around, I lost a valued friend to the abyss (if I ever really had one), and life is still happening like always. But I'm sort of taking it all in stride and enjoying the ride.

Tonight I had the pleasure of enjoying a Christmas concert. And I really enjoyed it: the music, the people, the meaning, the season, the whole thing. I think tomorrow I'll go enjoy a beer or two. Maybe I'm learning to lighten up and relax. If so, that's a lesson I am eager to practice successfully!