Thursday, December 30, 2010


"MOMENTUM: Forward movement, growth, change, transformation – an ever increasing understanding of the purpose for my life, my place in the world of men, and where the two intersect."

Momentum is a wonderful and dangerous thing. Momentum is the place where energy and mass - or a given set of circumstances - meet and have impact. The law of momentum is that whatever energy is added to a given situation will continue to push that situation in the direction in which the energy was released unless until the situation is effected by another force.

If energy applied to a situation is positive, productive energy, momentum is wonderful. It will propel us forward in life, relationships, well-being and wholeness. If the energy is negative, self destructive or harmful, momentum is a curse.

The concepts of momentum apply to each of us individually, and to any group of people including nations and even the world at large. Global warming is an example of global momentum that will impact life on this planet for generations to come. The Federal Deficit carries momentum that will impact the US (and consequently every other) economy for decades.

The nature of momentum is cumulative. Energy added now combines with energy added in the past. The result is that the impact of momentum can be negligible for a long time, then come to the surface and be a very visible issue suddenly. 

My thoughts on momentum for 2011 are basically three fold.

First, I'm ready for the energy I have put in to various and numerous situations in which I have been involved to come to the surface and be visible. There are so many situations where I have added my energy in a way or direction that so far isn't visible or obvious. My energy is good and right (for the most part), and I am ready to experience the result of the momentum I have created in and around my life over the past few years.

A lot of people should be scared shitless of this very thing in and around their lives. So many people add nothing but negative energy to that with which they have to do. Jealousy, bitterness, bigotry, prejudice, anger and covetousness are negative forces in the Universe and the human condition, and they are not unnoticed by the principles of momentum.  But that's not my laundry, and I'm nobody's judge.

Second, I think the Universe is ready to support my first thought. It seems like it's time for a little reaping what we've sown, individually and corporately. I have a sense that this process has already begun, but will continue in earnest in 2011. I just have a sense that there is too much energy in the world with too little impact. I think we have already started to see things ramp up in 2010, and we better hold on to our hats in 2011. Again, personally I welcome that. Others should probably be terrified.

Third, we better learn about momentum and use it intentionally. Thinking in terms of short term pleasure or short term gain at long term expense, or short term benefit at the expense or demise of someone else is disastrous. We've gotten away with it too long. It's time for the laws of momentum to kick in and teach us a better way of looking at life.

So let's put on a sense of awareness concerning momentum this year. Let's change the world of tomorrow by adding positive energy today. We will all benefit from the process. Let's make 2011 the year that we intentionally, for the sake of the momentum it creates, forgive others, do good deeds for those less fortunate, be thankful for the good things we have in life and learn to love people around us in practical, measurable terms.