Thursday, December 9, 2010

2010 Year In Review - Shout Outs!

"He gives marvelous comrades to me, the faithful who dwell in the land. "

I would very much like to draw attention to some very important people, organizations and events that have been pivotal in making 2010 such a fantastic year. In no particular order, please allow me to appreciate:

My friend Andy, who lives in Texas and comes to see me just when I need him most - at least it seems that way. I've known Andy for many years, and we've done some traveling, enjoyed some really good food, some fun times at Rich's and J.R.'s and other places in and around Houston, some parties like Jungle and Bunnies on the Bayou that are pretty outside of my normal circle, a hell of a lot of talking and a very valued friendship. Andy, I really appreciate you, and look forward to spending some good time with you next year.

My New Church, Expressions OKC has been a Godsend. Several thoughts come to mind, each worthy of their own post on my blog, so I will promise to expand on this later. For now, I just want to thank Neil and Dean for creating this place. It is so great to go to a church that 1) Actually worships the same God I know without watering it down or attaching it to some non spiritual agenda, and 2) That I don't have to lie to be part of. I didn't know how badly I needed a church until I found one.

Several Christian friends/relatives I have come out to this year (and in the past few years). Granted, I've been selective with the 'I'm gay, do you hate me now?" conversation. I haven't really advertised. But the people in my life with whom I've had relationships at churches past, who I respect and admire, who are important to me regardless of anything else, these people are are always have been God's gift in my life. Telling them I'm gay is hard enough. Telling them I've lied to them for many years has been even harder. Christianity takes a lot of shit for being homophobic. But without exception, every christian friend I've let in has been supportive. (In fact, most of them had figured it out already, and all of them said something to the effect of, "I care about you because you're Terry, and I always will.") Thanks, guys.

Your Texas Rangers had an outstanding year, just like I did. And I love baseball. I started watching the Rangers a couple of years ago. Channel flipping, I tripped over the Rangers playing Detroit, losing, like 19-0 or some crap. Ian Kinsler was batting, and he looked like he was actually trying hard to hit. He's cute to start with, and win or lose, these guys in the MLB are living their well deserved dream. So I started watching the Rangers occasionally, and learned the players. This summer I watched many of their games. Watching a good baseball game is therapeutic for me anyway. I have developed some real respect for Josh Hamilton (can anyone say 'Home Run Derby?'), Michael Young, Ian, Chris Davis, and several others on the team. Unlike most NFL or NBA athletes, these guys seem like really good people all around - people that it would be fun to go have dinner with now and then. They did really well this year and exceeded everyone's expectations except their own. I really identify with them just now for some reason, and very much enjoyed baseball season. [insert antlers and claw here]

 Pastor and Farmer Charles Simoonga is a native farmer and pastor in a remote part of Zambia, Africa. The website tells his story. Here is a wonderful, committed, outstanding person who could be making tons of money working for the 'white man's' European owned farms who has instead chosen to start his own farm that supports an orphanage, school, and health care clinic in a part of the world that has basically nothing. In my life, Charles is the instant cure for any kind of self-pity. Whenever I think too much about any problem in my world, I remember walking through the villages of Zambia with Charles and I am immediately reminded that I have never, ever had any problems compared to those folks. And in the midst of that, Charles is always happy, enthusiastic, driven, excited and full of love for his people. When I think of him and his goings on, I am ashamed to be upset about anything in my world. I am encouraged to be like him. I am thankful to have had a role in helping his accomplish all that he has done. And I am humbled by Gods Grace and Providence concerning my life. Check out the website and give him lots of money!

A really nice, cute guy I met at Fritz's Gay Sports Bar in Boston during the Rangers' playoff game against the Yankees became my first and so far only one night stand. (I know, Christians aren't supposed to do that.) It's not like I want to live my life this way, but that night was really special. We met and talked about real estate for an hour, had a nice dinner and too many Grey Goose martinis. Thanks for thinking I am attractive (you're about the only one). Thanks for being an all around good guy that I could immediately like and connect with. Thanks for the overview of Boston real estate, gay life in Boston, and a very enjoyable, memorable evening.

Wow. This post is getting really long. And I'm not done yet. I may have to do another one later. But for now, a heartfelt "Thank You". You made my year better, and I appreciate you very much.