Saturday, December 18, 2010

Of Fathers and Gay Sons

"The story you're about to see is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent."


There once was a father named Ray
Who found out his son, Chris, is gay.
He shouted and stammered and threw a big fit,
Let’s just say it ruined his day.
"What did I do? Where did I go wrong?
We never raised you this way!
We taught you what’s right. We showed you the Light.
How dare you turn out to be gay?!”

Now Chris is ashamed and embarrassed.
He’d tried so hard not to be careless.
And now all is lost. His father, the cost.
His life slipped from scary to hopeless.
"What can I do now? Someone show me how
To be what he wants me to be.
I’ve tried and I’ve prayed. These feelings have stayed.
There’s no way for me to be free.”

The tension between them grew worse over time.
A dad’s disappointment and son’s intertwine.
Ray doesn’t get it, and Chris can’t retreat.
There’s no way to say, “In the middle, let’s meet”.
If left unattended, this tension will flash,
Harsh words and actions will end in a clash.
There’s all kinds of wisdom and doctrines and such,
But heartache and sadness, none of them touch.

To Chris, let me say that your father’s not mad.
He’s scared for your future and should be. He’s Dad.
His children, you see, are the joy of his life,
Seconded only by love for his wife.
Gay life is sex, drugs, diseases and more.
To think of you living that life makes him roar!
From his point of view, you’re throwing away
That which is precious to choose to be gay.

So don’t be upset when he’s doing his job.
You want him beside you if you face a mob.
Fathers are bold, with the heart of a lion
That makes us proud. But sometimes means cryin’.
You know if you’re hurt or in trouble at all
He’ll be there beside you to cushion the fall.
So give him some leeway as he tries to cope
With issues and questions outside of his scope.

Oh Ray, can’t you see by the dawn’s early light
Your son is the same guy he was just last night.
Nothing about him has changed since before
You found out his secret. He isn’t a whore
Or druggie or anything else that you fear.
He’s still Chris, no matter what else you hear.
It’s so hard to tell you. It’s so hard to lie.
Now it’s all out there. Don’t make him cry.

So Ray, grab your son in a healing embrace!
Tell him you love him and get off his case!
It’s not like he planned this whole thing in advance,
What’s happened has happened. Maybe by chance
He’s not headed for hell or a doom and gloom life.
The last thing he needs now is this kind of strife.
Before he is anything else, good or bad,
He is your own son. Now you be the dad!


A very Merry Christmas to each Ray and every Chris.