Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Time For A Change"

"Some listen to music that matches their mood. I listen to music to SET my mood."

I have always loved music. I played trombone through high school and college. I never could see well enough to be able to play professionally, but since way back in my life, I have always had a deep appreciation of many different kinds of music.

Music, more than any other single thing I can think of, has the power - without a word being spoken - to change the very essence of our emotional state. I listen to music, as with most things in life, on purpose. In the same way that some people take Advil to get rid of a headache, I am very liable to play a single song for an hour to drive away the voices and renew and re-establish myself. I have to do this to my brain every few months, and it's really enjoyable for me.

Probably my all time, number one head and shoulders above the rest song for doing this is Time For A Change from Kenton '76 by Stan Kenton. Trust me. This is worth every bit of 5 minutes, 54 seconds of your day: