Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Damn. More Politics


OK, so whazzup in Wisconsin? At first glance it looks pretty simple. Unions want to protect their hard earned sugar tit, and the state legislature says it can't afford them anymore. At second glance, the reason the state can't afford the unions is because they just passed a big 'ol tax cut for small businesses and corporations while cutting funding for all kinds of social programs. At third glance, the problem is that nobody in Wisconsin has the money to afford the state budget. Corporations don't want to pay for it, people don't want to pay for it. Everybody wants somebody else to pay for it.

Well, Wisconsin (and the whole rest of the whole world for that matter), Good Luck With That.

I promise, I'm not picking any fights here. I don't live in Wisconsin, and don't have a dog in this fight. I think there is no good answer. Either the unions lose, business loses or the budget loses.

I just listened to some belligerent rant from a radio guy in New York (who also doesn't live in Wisconsin or have a dog in this fight). He was for the unions and democrats and against the republicans. I really enjoy, as I always do, the passion. I love seeing people get all fired up about this stuff and make their cases. This guy's case was about a third right and two-thirds bullshit. A cursory Internet search for some of his facts clearly shows he is distorting and manipulating the situation such that it conforms to his rant. (Sounds a lot like some closed minded conservative Christian preachers.) But that's what politics is about, so no foul there.

Then the rant deteriorated in to a name calling session. Anybody who disagrees with this guy is a stupid, mentally incompetent idiot who should not be allowed to vote, eat or even exist. And I'm convinced he really thinks that.

Passion is great. But when you can't think of anything to say except for calling people names, please shut up! Oh, never mind. I''ll just find a different website to explore.