Thursday, January 31, 2013

Work In Progress

"Progress and improvement comes in little steps along the way."

Well, I'm a month into the Wellness and Strength focus, so it's time for a pretty pathetic update on how it's going so far. I get the concept of step by step progress, but I need to start walking a little faster. I'm crossing the Big 50 mark in three months, and I'm actually looking forward to it. But I also want to live stronger (ugh...did I quote Lance Armstrong?). I want to approach upper middle age with a sense of strength and a heart of wellness. Maybe I should take some of Lance's medicine? -NOT.

I have figured out that the divide and conquer technique doesn't work with Wellness and Strength. All of the components are interrelated and cannot be separated and dealt with individually. That makes the project harder, but also tenable.

I do think I can document progress by looking at different components of the paradigm. So...

SMOKING: I'm still smoking my first cigarette or two every day and usually one in the evening. The evening cigarettes are getting fewer and farther apart. Starting next month, I'm going to try really hard not to have any in the evening, and I'm going to try putting off the morning smoke a little longer each day. The Vaping thing works really well - better than any other nicotine replacement therapy I've tried so far. And, let's face it. Nicotine is a drug with benefits. Otherwise everybody would have quit smoking a long time ago. So, I'm content with using the Vape Stick (e-cigarette) and smoking just a couple of real ones a day for now. That's gotta better than two and a half packs, right?

DIET: I really am working on it. Honest. For Real. I just don't have a clue what I'm doing and progress takes a while to document. But I'm eating more often, making better choices and not doing so much of the obvious no-no's. I hardly ever drink Coke anymore, for example. I drink a lot more water and a glass of aloe vera juice every day. That really helps with stomach issues, BTW.

EXERCISE: No habla Engles. But it is on the list.

MUSIC: (Yes, this is right up there with the rest in my world). I got a new piano and amp. I've been spending more time playing. It's fun, healthy and just as important as anything else on the list. There are other things I need to focus on in this category as well. But they are (for me) secondary to the first three.

So, here I am. Ready for February. We'll see how that goes.