Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Can I Get A Straignt Answer?

"All of the important questions in life are circular."

I said to the cloud, "Why won't you rain?"
"I will," said the cloud with a hint of disdain.
"The rain that I have belongs not to you
But to someone else. I'm just passing through."

"Will other clouds come and bring us some rain?
We really need it, our lives to sustain."
"How should I know?" said the cloud with a sigh,
"I'm just a cloud. You should go ask the sky."

The sky told me it didn't have a clue why
The rain didn't fall, "But it will by and by.
Talk to the wind if you want to know
Where the rain is and where it will go."

"Ah," said the wind. "That is a good question.
Thank you for asking it with such affection.
I never know til the thunder gets loud.
The best course of action is, Go Ask A Cloud."

Oh, wait...It's raining.
