Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I'll Have To Think About This One...

"What is right about America just totally dwarfs what’s wrong with Washington."

Warren Buffett came up with this nice, warm and fuzzy statement about the good old U.S. in a video on AOL today. He was talking about the challenges Obama will face in his second term. He is apparently referring to Congress.

Congress is taking a lot of heat just now. From one perspective, rightfully so. Those guys can't agree on anything except to disagree. Their effectiveness seems to be at an all time low. They can't get anything done, then at the last minute they put off the decision for another couple of months. Members on both sides take unreasonable, untenable positions and stick to them without compromise or negotiation.

And they know it. But with today's technology, everybody in Congress is always running for re-election. If they say or do something that solves a problem for now, they'll suffer greatly for doing it in the next election cycle.

Self Preservation is a primal instinct all of us have.

To me, the irony of the situation is that Congress more accurately reflects American society now that at any point in our history. The American Public is selfish, demanding, never satisfied, non-negotiable and wants to take more than it gives. All of the shenanigans in Congress are accurate all the way through our society. At least that's how it seems to me.

The result is exactly what is should be. Until Americans as a group of people resolve our differences, learn to cooperate and love each other, stop being so self righteous and start being more responsive to the needs, strengths, weaknesses and expectations of others, we're in for a really big circus for the foreseeable future.

Personally, I think in is entertaining as hell.