Saturday, January 12, 2013

Music: Food For The Soul

"If playing my piano consumed more calories, I'd be set."

It's been said, "You are what you eat." Fair enough. But I think it is equally true to say, "You are what you listen to."

And just as some prefer to eat food they prepare for themselves as opposed to going out, I prefer to listen to the music I play on my piano.

I've needed to upgrade my piano for a couple or more years. I finally did it. I bought a Casio PX350 this week. I ordered it mail order from a fellow blogger who wrote the best review including the best samples of the auto accompaniment I found out there anywhere. I haven't received it yet, but I'm hoping it is everything my old (inexpensive) Yamaha YPG-235 isn't.

The guy's name is Tim Praskins, and his blog is AZ Piano Wholesale. I'm not going to try to review the instrument here since I don't even have it yet, and Tim already did a great job.

I just want to point out how important music is to me, that I got a new tool for making it, that I'm really excited to start playing it and that I consider the move directly related to my theme for 2013 of Wellness and Strength. Music, especially the stuff I play by myself, for myself, is one of the most important ingredients in maintaining sanity and promoting well being.

Now if I could just figure out how it can help me lose weight!