Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Overfed and Undernourished

"This is so true on a number of levels."

What a great description of life in North America. Sure, concerning what we eat. But this statement applies to a whole lot more than food.

I was doing some research online about eating smarter. I know I don't eat like I should. I know there is a better answer than the tofu and bean sprouts diets that don't really work and I won't stick to anyway. I know I need to develop some eating common sense. I don't know how.

For the most part, everyone out there talking about it is selling some supplement, advocating some extreme diet, promoting some political agenda or something else that is off subject as far as I am concerned.

But the slogan above rang really true to me, and the more I thought about it the broader the application and scope of these three words.

It applies to our cultural eating habits, obviously.

It also applies to our education system. We're not taught to think, we're taught to regurgitate facts. There's a big bias toward educational conflict avoidance so that nobody is offended or challenged by things they learn about. We're not teaching kids the truth, we're teaching them approved curriculum. The result is obvious in a five minute conversation with a high school or college graduate.

It also applies to our healthcare system. We are over extremely medicated and still sick. Healthcare suffers from being driven by money on every level, and not driven by public welfare or health.

It also applies on a shear entertainment level. We spend hours watching TV programs with a lot of words and nothing to say. So many books fit this paradigm too. I can't stand reading a book that doesn't say anything.

It also applies to relationships. Casual sex and shallow relationships have become the norm. Intimacy and relational integrity and just not the norm anymore.

We need better food for our bodies. Also for our minds, our emotions, our spirits and our environment. We need intimate, quality relationships, platonic and otherwise, that nourish our lives. We need better nutrition on many different levels of life.

Maybe it's a good thing I'm prepared to work on Wellness and Strngth all year this year.