Friday, September 2, 2011

A Long Weekend and Highs In The 80's?

"Has God been reading my blog?"

Wow. Right on schedule, it's Labor Day Weekend and cooler weather. Today the high is supposed to be 102, then 99 Saturday then - get this - highs in the 80's for the rest of the seven day forecast. We're probably going to Lake Eufaula for the weekend. Some of us are wishy-washy about it, but I'm content just to go read, chill, relax and enjoy. I don't really mind if everyone else stays home. (But that ain't gonna happen.)

I'm in the middle of one good book and have one waiting in the wings. I'm currently reading Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand, who also wrote Seabiscuit. It's a really easy read, and I'm enjoying getting lost in it.

Next up is Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World's Most Wanted Hacker

I need to do some light reading that I don't have to filter or coagulate. At the same time, I hate reading books that don't say anything. There are so many mindless books out there, and other people enjoy them. I'm irritated if I read a book then ask myself why in the world I read it.

Don't worry. I'm not turning my blog into a book review site. Other people write better reviews, and typically  don't make it through most books anyway. I read 60% and scan the rest. I'll let you know if either book provides a good blog topic for me, or if the books stink.

All I really want to do today is point out that instead of blogging for the next few days, I fully intend to be sitting outside in the not to hot weather enjoying a couple of really good books at the lake, thanking God for reading my blog and saying "Yes" to my request.