Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Fair Was Fairly Fair

"I consumed more calories yesterday than some in third world countries get in three months."

We are such creatures of habit. I walked in to the State Fair of Oklahoma looking for the very first place that sells corn dogs. Why are they so much better at the Fair than any other place? Anyway, a whole lot of people do that too. The guy that owns the corn dog stand closest to the gate is either really lucky or really smart. I didn't have to walk far.

Before I left the Fair, I had more corn dogs, a beef wellington, some pizza, a Tiger's Blood sno cone, a caramel apple with nuts, some fried oreos, and some other suff. I wanted to try the fried ravioli, but didn't get around to it. I did get some fried mozzarella cheese on a stick with jalapeno batter. That was the best junk food of the day.

I bought a new pocket knife (so my bro can borrow and lose it like the last three) and that's it. But I walked through all of the buildings and gawked at all of the people.

One really cute guy was selling this deal you stand on and it vibrates real fast and he says it's like walking two miles up hill in the snow, and if I buy the thing I'll be really skinny in three weeks flat by just standing there. Part of the show was him demonstrating how to use the machine if you have back problems, and he bent over the thing just right, and butt vibrated just right and all of a sudden several other people had back problems so he had to do that part a few more times. I think I won't buy the machinne, but I'd have thrown a buck in his tip jar.

I walked through the midway a couple of times laughing at the drunks throwing balls trying to knock down the four bottles stacked together. Often they missed all four and didn't hit anything. "Need a player, Need a winner" barked one of the guys selling that game. I told him he really just needed summore drunk guys trying to impress their drunk girlfriends.

But overall, it was an absolutely beautiful day for the Fair. It was packed. There were all different kinds of people, all ages, sizes and fashion tastes. Everybody was having fun and enjoying being there. There were a zillion and forty two thirty something year old guys walking around with a girl and kid or two in tow. A lot of them were really pretty. It just seemed like the place was packed with good folks enjoying the day and their families, and loving life. I was happy to be down there and be a part of it.

I watched OU score their first touchdown against Florida State, then saw the weather radar and decided I should find my way home. Driving at night in a thunderstorm is one activity my eyes make me avoid. I made it to mom's about three minutes before the rain hit. We watched the OU game, then checked in on the Pokes. I remember yawning before I fell asleep.