Friday, August 12, 2011

The "SMITE" Button

"There is no such button on God's keyboard."

I saw this pic on a T-Shirt years ago. I thought it was hilarious then. To some extent, this is the picture of God that used to be presented by evangelistic churches, especially Baptists. If you prayed the magic prayer and felt bad about yourself (and tithe regularly, of course), you were safe.

But if you didn't...POW! You could expect to be smitten at any moment. God is always watching, just waiting for us to screw up, finger on the "SMITE" button. "That'll teach 'em."

And don't worry. If God is a little slow on the smiting end of things, the Church is there to be His messenger, His hands on earth. "God, we've got your back. We'll stand against all evil and all evil people."

I'm so glad the church has overall figured out that this picture of God just isn't the right one. God didn't create us to destroy us. He's not the enemy. As the creator of the universe and the source of our existence, he is ready and anxious to help us understand our destiny in that context and grow into everything he envisioned us to be before he created anything at all.

But somehow, for some strange reason, many people still live as if doom is imminent. Whether it is God punching the 'smite' button or just bad luck, they walk through life as if they are waiting for something really bad to happen. To people with this mindset, even good things can't really be enjoyed because they're "waiting for the other shoe to drop".

That's a hard way to live, and so easy to change. We need to understand that bad things happen now and then, and there's no way around it. But we also need to understand that we are created in a spirit of joy by a loving and competent father who intends good things for us, now in this life and also in the context of eternity.

Life really is good.