Thursday, August 4, 2011

All Of These People, And Not One Jerk

"We all live in a yellow submarine."

This week, I have been surrounded by people. Usually this many people across my path in a week stresses me out, especially if I don't get enough time to decompress and be quiet. I start to feel closed in and overwhelmed, just like I'd probably feel if we all lived in a yellow submarine. But this week I'm enjoying everyone.

Last Sunday, cousin and family came to town from Boston. We had a big get together at mom's house with brisket, fried chikin and all the trimmings, with my cousin and her husband, their two kids, my three youngest nephews and niece, my aunt and a few other people. It was a fun afternoon despite the heat.

Monday and Tuesday, someone I work with was in town and we did the dinner and a drink routine. Sushi once and Chang's the next. Did I mention previously how much I enjoyed the Mongolian Beef with Asparagus? Plate licking, finger licking good.

I did get some time off Wednesday.

Today, my friend from Zambia will be in town. He's the farmer, pastor and now orphanage director I've come to know over the past few years. He's a really terrific guy and I'm looking forward to a good conversation with him this evening. I've walked through the villages in his part of Africa, and it's a whole different part of the universe from here. I really admire the guy for what he does and what he stands for.

Friday, I'm going to the other side of the universe and attending the Miss Gay Something or Other pageant in gaytown. I'm looking forward to that too. I was trying to remember if I have ever been down to the gay strip in OKC to meet up with some friends and do something. I thought it was earlier in the week, but it's Friday, which means Friday Night Focus hasn't completely fizzled out.

The point is, well, first I get to brag a little. I never have a full social calander - not even for a week. Second, I really like everyone connected with these social events. That's unusual too. There's not a jerk in the bunch.

Third, it represents momentum about as well as anything else all year. I've tried to reach out in some areas with mediocre results at best. Now the universe is reaching out to me a little, and the results are already better. That sums up momentum, in my mind at least. And I am very thankful.

But I'm probably going to work all weekend. I'm getting behind again.