Monday, August 15, 2011

My First Blog Mulligan

"There's a first time for everything."

Well, I get to start the week by doing something I haven't done before. I'm taking a 'do over' on a thought I tried to write about this weekend, but just didn't say what I wanted to say. So I actually deleted the post. Hopefully nobody read it.

But it's hard. I said something Friday that I absolutely, totally believe, which is that God loves us. He's not looking for an opportunity to 'smite' us. He's looking for an opportunity to connect with us wherever we are in life.

At the same time, I quite possibly implied something I very much don't believe. The danger in Friday's post, and the mindset that God loves me just the way I am, is that I don't have to change.

So I tried to explain how God could love us just as we are, but expect us to change and become something we are not. I know, it sounds mutually exclusive. Either he loves us the way we are, and we shouldn't need to change. Or he loves what we can be and is willing to help us get there, but he doesn't really love who we are now.

Hmmm. I suppose I should leave complicated issues like this to theologians and people smarter than I am. (But, of course, I won't.)

So I promise to regroup and take another whack at it someday soon.

In the mean time, I found yet another benefit to blogging, which is the "Delete" option on the "Edit Posts" tab. I wish it were that simple in real life. There are several mulligans I wish I could take.