Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Perspective Makes Everything Different

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

Yesterday's post was good preparation for today. Today, it seemed like everyone on the planet was in a bad mood except me. I had a great day. The day wasn't any better or worse than most days, maybe a little busier. But I looked at the day differently than everyone else.

We've all heard the story about the half a glass of water. The pessimist says it's half empty, the optimist says it's half full. But there are a hundred ways to look at the situation.

A mathematician would object to the word 'half'. Half full or half empty are very exact terms. Semi full or semi empty would be a more accurate description

The chemist would focus on the word 'water'. Water is defined as a liquid consisting of molecules containing two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. There's probably a whole lot of crap in that glass that isn't water.

The teacher sees room for improvement, the perfectionist sees total failure. The idealist laments that the glass is so small while the philosopher says there is no distinction between the glass and its contents.

The salesman exaggerates the value of the glass and the customer is cynical. The politician looks for an opportunity to levy a tax on both.

The hoarder worries that the water is even now evaporating, and will be gone soon. The generous looks for someone who needs whatever is there.

The negotiator tries to reconcile all of these opinions into a paradigm that everyone can agree with as the director tries to impose his vision on the rest of the group. Both want unity, but on completely different terms.

To the deep thinker, each of these points of view deserves consideration and contemplation. To the shallow, it's just some stupid water. He'd rather have a cold beer.

There is only one point of view that makes a tangible difference, and that is the perspective of one who is thirsty. To him, the water is life, satisfaction, happiness and every good thing in the world. He longs for it and appreciates it. He drinks it with joy and gladness, and it makes his day better.

Maybe we should all be a little more thirsty. I think I'll have a glass of water.