Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The More Things "Change?"

"And the world watches as Obama impersonates George W."

Forgive me, pretty please, for another cynical political post. I'm really, really sorry. This isn't what I want my blog to turn into. But...But...But...It's Just Too Good to pass up!

First off, and for the record, I am completely in favor of international intervention in Libya. I think it should have happened weeks (read: years) ago, and Gadhafi just wouldn't give everyone an excuse. The guy is a lunatic, just like that guy in Iraq.

A lunatic who controls weapons of mass...uh, sorry, wrong version...who threatens the slaughter of civilians that would have stained the world's conscience cannot be tolerated. And once again, cruise missiles (at $600,000 each) are used as tools to spread peace, democracy and good will among an oil rich region of the world.

Now the question is, will Obama be like Clinton in Bosnia and come out of this a hero? Or like Daddy Bush who picked a fight that he didn't finish in Iraq or congress? (Anybody remember the, "Read My Lips. No New Taxes" speech that got him elected?) Or will Obama be like W. and let the rest of the world back off, leaving him standing all alone with the smoking gun just in time for elections?

I think O. is smarter than W. He's already running for cover behind NATO. And by letting the French take the lead, he's got a great plan to fall back on. Once France surrenders, we can always say the mission is about liberating France rather than bullying another maniacal dictator.

And how about those republicans in congress who called the democrats 'unpatriotic traitors' for asking the same kinds of questions of W. that they now ask Obama? What a crock. What a bunch of two faced, slime coated, sleaze bags!

And then we have all kinds of people trying to turn this into a religious conflict. Gawd.

My cynicism entertains me until I realize that real human beings are being killed, that gas prices once again threaten to cripple our own economy, that our own elected 'leaders' are doing their best to spin the situation to their benefit on election day (and have no other motives) and that however messy, corrupt and laughable the process, I really do think we're doing the right thing.