Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Luck of the Irish

"The rain falls on the just and the unjust alike."

Those of us who believe in a universally objective way of things, in a system of order and not chaos, and who also believe that there is a purpose, process and point to the world, our lives and everything in between, and who believe in a God who creates, controls and constrains everything that exists are at times confronted with what appears to be evidence that directly contradicts our belief system.

This evidence is the random, nonsensical events that happen to all of us from time to time.

Some really shitty things happen to good people who have spent their entire lives loving and honoring the God that is supposed to be big enough, strong enough, smart enough and caring enough to protect them from such events. For people of faith, these events are extremely frustrating. Especially when some really great things happen to people who live their lives just the opposite.

We have a million ways to cover up our frustration. We say that, "God works in mysterious ways" and we blame our lack of understanding, our own shortcomings and our failure to live up to the standards God sets for us. Sometimes, we even say that God is trying to teach us something by throwing bad things in our lives. We try so hard to cover up our frustration that it gets down right silly at times.

Personally, I am not one of those who believes that God preordained each snowflake before the world was ever formed. I do believe in the order of the universally objective way of things, and I believe that a certain randomness is a part of that order - call it luck.

Some luck is good and some is clearly bad. Sometimes luck works in our favor and sometimes it just sucks. Sometimes, luck is like Cinderella's fairy godmother and sometimes it is like the big bad wolf in the story of the three little pigs.

My perspective on the randomness of life is that luck is a constant, just like the more reliable constants we know about. Lady luck is a fickle partner, and I'm sorry for those who count on her the way I count on the Christian worldview. Since luck is always around, for those who believe in God and those who don't, I would contend that luck doesn't prove that faith is invalid. Instead, my contention is that faith is all the more valuable because of luck.

Faith allows me to approach life with the attitude of "heads I win, tails I don't lose," By faith, I look forward to and expect good results from the crop that I plant throughout life. By faith, I can cope with random bad things because I know that I have help, providence and comfort in the worst circumstances. By faith I can embrace good things and endure bad things that happen randomly, knowing that Christ is Lord of all.

But to the extent that I am able to choose good luck, I do so with exuberance. And since the day of the leprechaun is tomorrow, for the record, I choose good luck for myself and everyone else within my circle.