Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Simple Thngs

"Love God Completely, Love People Unconditionally and Love Life Enthusiastically."

Is it really that simple? Well, yeah, kind of. When we make life more complicated that that, it gets harder. Thoughts, opinions, interpretations, worldviews and experience all add their two cents on how to keep it this simple, and by the time these things get all tangled up inside our heads, there's no place left for simple. At least that's how it works with me.

The embarrassing thing is that at first glance the barflies, druggies and homeless people are a lot better at this simple concept than those of us who believe in destiny, eternity, higher calling and a life of significance. The shallow meaning behind the quote above is along the same lines as, "Live and Let Live", "Don't Worry, Be Happy" or "It's All Good."

But how do you watch a four year old wander out into the street in heavy traffic and not react intentionally, judgmentally and emotionally? How can I watch someone give his life to the guy that lives in a bottle of booze, knowing from experience the outcome of that, and not object strenuously? I can tell you absolutely that I will never say, "Live and Let Live" if I see a football coach rape a 10 year old in the shower. It isn't going to happen, and people can call me all the names they want to.

Sometimes it seems like "Love God Completely" and "Love People Unconditionally" are mutually exclusive statements. Over the past year, those who have followed my blog know that (from my perspective) a really good guy that I once highly respected, depended on and appreciated more than I can express has changed into something, well, other than that. Am I supposed to watch that and love him unconditionally? "Live and Let Live", and tell myself that it's none of my business?

If I did, how would that translate into either loving God or loving him?

We live in a world divided: Right and Wrong, Stupid and Wise, Light and Dark, Life and Death, Good and Evil, Beneficial and Self Destructive. I didn't create this paradigm, but to deny it is just a self delusional lie.

But the simplicity of the quote at the top of this post calls to me ever louder. Lay down the struggles, don't sweat the small stuff (and it's all small stuff), live my life with integrity and compassion, and let the chips fall where they may. Let God be God, and just focus on being me.

I wish I knew how to do this. Don't you? Why can't we all just get along?