Thursday, September 19, 2013

Should I Bitch or Be Excited?

"Be careful what you ask for..."

Earlier I noted that I weighed less than 200 lbs for the first time this century. Unfortunately I gave a few pounds back in the past few weeks. I decided to do something about it.

My old trainer left to go play baseball. He was a great guy and a good trainer, BTW. I actually miss him. But he's history and life goes on. I tried to continue the progress myself with varying degrees of success. Basically, I maintained the level we achieved together, but forward motion was slow at best, stagnant most of the time.

I noted in my last post that I needed to look at it this way: The fat old man that used to be me died. Now I am a 200 pound guy that needs to weigh 180. What do I need to do to get there?

I needed a new trainer. I got one. He isn't as good as the old one, and I've had more intelligent conversations with my Jack Russell. But he gets me to the gym consistently and doesn't let me skip the hard stuff.

Actually, he's kicking my butt. He's working me out a lot harder than the other guy did, and I really don't like it. I don't like the guy, his training style or how tired I am when we're done. I'm having to remind myself that I'm doing this with the mindset of taking medicine, not as a new hobby.

I got just what I asked for. I got a trainer that has no concept of the fat guy who couldn't hardly lift his right arm over his head a few months ago. And I'm already stronger than I was before. And he's pushing me. And I don't like it.

So, what do I do. Do I suck it up and perform? Do I complain politely and tone things down?

I think I know the answer. I'm already sucking.