Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I'd Rather (Not)

"There are a lot of things I'd rather do. Choosing between them is the challenge!"

I’d rather be at home drinking a Coke and watching the Rangers play baseball.
I’d rather not be too fat and all that goes with it.
So I’m working out instead.

I’d rather have pizza for dinner.
I’d rather not wake up at night with acid reflux.
So I’m eating grilled chicken and salad instead.

I’d rather have a cigarette.
I’d rather not have trouble breathing and all that goes with it.
So I’m Vaping instead.

I’d rather go to work at 10:30 and take a nap in the afternoon.
I’d rather not be so far behind and all that goes with it.
So I’m there early tomorrow.

I’d rather spend money and not worry about it.
I’d rather not be up to my eyeballs in debt.
So I’ll save up and pay cash.

I'd rather keep the money I earn and let the rest of the world fend for themselves
I'd rather not live in a world where hunger and poverty are the norm.
So I'll give when I can with a heart to help.

There are a whole lot of things I think I’d rather do until I think through the consequences, the long term results of habits and behavior that I participate in without question. Then I realize I’d just rather not. We don't usually have to choose between doing the right thing or the wrong thing. I'm not 14, and I'm way over that. Now I just have to choose between the things I'd rather do.

I’d rather be healthy, well, strong, financially stable, on top of my responsibilities at work and in my relationships with others. I’d rather eat right, work out, clean house, breathe deeply and sleep soundly. I'd rather be a good friend and a man of faith. I'd rather earn the respect of the people who know me (whether they give me that respect or not). I'd rather hear, "Well Done..." at the end of it all.

We all need to think about what we'd rather do.

(HaHa, I know...I'd rather not too.)