Sunday, April 21, 2013

Time Flies When You're Damn Near Fifty

"Life is too short to safely remove USB devices."

There's just one week left before I turn 50. And a busy week it is shaping up to be.

It starts tonight with an invitation to joyfully watch the OKC Thunder empty the Rockets in Game 1 of Round 1 of the NBA playoffs. We're going to be in one of the suites with people who have a lot more money and influence than I. Should be a blast. (That little Russian shit is still in custody in Boston, right?)

And my cousin is coming from Denver this week. She's always a lot of fun.

And the Oklahoma City Arts Festival is here this week. That's always the most expensive 'free admission' venue of the year for me. I always find something in my price range (barely) that I think I can't live without.

And the personal training continues. I don't get a vacation until I've been doing it full time for at least six months. Oh, wait. I'm establishing some momentum there, and don't want to disrupt it just yet.

Work is crazy busy.

Who has time to turn 50? Surely not I.

But, just as Spring is coming no matter what Winter thinks of it, I will turn 50 Monday next. Since I plan to live forever in one world or another, I don't think 50 is that big of a deal. But I have some tidbits to throw out before the event actually happens.

There are a couple of specific issues that I want to write about, but overall I think I've been fifty since I was thirty-five. I'm actually pretty excited to be able to act my age for the first time in years. With a couple of exceptions, life is good, and I'm happy with it. That's the backdrop against which I approach 50.

I don't theink the event will actually be very traumatic. And it's going to be fun to be busy enough not to worry about it this week.