Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hey, I'm Three Years Old!

"Happy 3rd Blogiversary to me."

I just realized that I started my blog 3 years ago last week. And actually, my very first post was one of my best:

My Grandfather's Best Quote

"How do I know what I think about something until I hear what I have to say about it?" [my late Grandpa Jones]

I know what I think about a lot of things. This blog (if it actually is a blog) is about all of the things I don't know what I think about. Believe me, it's gonna be a long blog.

I'm gay. I'm Christian. I'm relatively smart for a complete idiot. I'm a good friend but I'm pretty much a social recluse. I have better conversations with the lake, the stars and a bottle of booze (although I don't drink much) than I do with most people. Basically, I'm your average train wreck, but you would never know it we met. My life is very organized, categorized, locked and loaded for a totally disorganized, mixed up, uneventful guy.

I think in circles, and it sometimes takes years to get out of the circle on a particular issue. I journal pretty regularly, but there is no possibility that someone else will ever read it so what's the point? So I'm gonna try this blog deal and see if, by pretending that someone else may actually see it, I can make myself say what I think so I can know whatever it is.

If that makes sense to you, please explain it to me. In the mean time, I'll try to write something that perhaps someone else will enjoy.

Here's to another few posts, anyway.