Monday, December 31, 2012

Flipping The Sign

"The End Is Just The Beginning."

I guess it's appropriate to say "Good-Bye" to 2012. As far as I'm concerned, it won't really be a year to remember. I did some fun stuff, and had a great time. But mostly, I'll remember 2012 for what didn't happen.

For example, the world didn't end as the Mayans evidently thought it would.

I didn't quit smoking like I thought I would. (but I finally found something that I think will help.)

My Africa trip, which resulted in a whole lot of good things BTW, didn't result in a new relationship.

I didn't really accomplish much personally, professionally or in any other paradigm.

It was a relaxing, restful, enjoyable year. But so what? And the end of it, I'm left wanting more. I'm anxious and excited to go around the bend and see what's there. I feel like I'm waking up from a very enjoyable and well deserved nap, and ready to get on with the day.

So, as I flip the sign over from 2012 to 2013, I'm also looking to a more productive, more profitable, more successful year. Maybe after two or three of those, I can have another year like 2012 to coast and enjoy life.