Thursday, December 20, 2012

Just In Case

"An Open Letter to My Coworkers."

Just in case the Mayans got it right, and the world as we know it comes to an abrupt, catastrophic end tomorrow, I wanted to take this opportunity to tell each of you how much I have enjoyed working with you. We’ve had some fun, made some money, fought a little and laughed a lot. We really have created a family here, and I am proud to have been a part of it. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to get to know each of you and your families over the years, and will really miss you if I survive and you don’t. It’s been a great ride.

I’m pretty sure the predictions for 12-21-12 are wrong. God wouldn’t let the end of the world come before the next Star Trek movie is released May 17, 2013. But it doesn’t hurt to be prepared, and I don’t want to leave anything unsaid. So I want to say a special ‘just in case’ farewell to Diane and that damn dog she brings to work with her on Wednesday. Could it be that Junebug’s incessant whining is her way of trying to warn us about the impending doom coming tomorrow? Or is she just a whiny dog? We’ll all know soon.

And it will be too bad if the end of the world comes just two short days after Marla learned to make coffee in a real coffee pot.

If anything does happen tomorrow, I think we have the skill sets to deal with it expeditiously and effectively, each in our own way. Whatever it is that happens, Fred will probably shoot it. Janis will undoubtedly shake her finger at it and tell it what for. Diane will organize it, Chrys will enter it (assuming the paperwork is right), Brad will forget it by Sunday, Bryan will laugh at it and Tommy will probably offer to buy it. I expect Winn will send it an email and Jim will infamously say, “Hmm. I’ll be darn.” Charity will bitch about how much money it costs, and Mario will wave politely and say, “Helllow”. We can tell Esteban to fix it, then all chant, “He broke it, he broke it.” I think we’ll be OK.

One never knows about these ‘end of the world’ predictions. So far, they’ve all been wrong. But only one has to be right, and none of us knows whether this is the one.

But it occurs to me today, very possibly the day before the end of it all, that we should each do our best to Finish Strong and go out with a bang. And, no, I don’t mean a big party! I mean living life as if today is our last day here – doing something really good, profound, worthy of the effort that has been invested in us, etc. And if the world doesn’t end tomorrow, maybe we should start living every day with the same mindset. If the world continues on past tomorrow, it will not be unchanged. We can, individually and corporately, change it for the better. (This is the only real value I can see in all of these doomsday predictions anyway.)

And just in case something does happen, we need a plan – strike that – a STRATEGY. So, I propose that in the event of some calamity tomorrow, we should all head for Esteban’s house in Mexico. It’s in Tecozautla, Mexico just a little NNW of Mexico City. I’m sure if we ask people down there where his house is, they’ll be able to tell us. If doomsday comes, we’ll all meet there and eat tamales and drink tequila. If worse comes to worse I really hope to see you all there.